Συγνώμη, αλλά θα σας απογοητεύσω και τους δύο σας. Η AMD δεν λανσάρει τις Polaris για να λόγω των Pascal, Ας μη γελιόμαστε δεν συγκρίνονται. Οι Polaris στοχεύουν στις low end/cost συνθέσεις, εκεί που μόνο η GTX1060 θα υπάρχει, αλλά και στην αγορά των laptops.
Ο ίδιος ο Roy Taylor της AMD είχε πει :
"The reason Polaris is a big deal, is because I believe we will be able to grow that TAM significantly. I don't think Nvidia is going to do anything to increase the TAM, because according to everything we've seen around Pascal, it's a high-end part. I don't know what the price is gonna be, but let's say it's as low as £500/$600 and as high as £800/$1000. That price range is not going to expand the TAM for VR. We're going on the record right now to say Polaris will expand the TAM. Full stop."
Και φυσικά στις τιμές έπεσε ΕΝΤΕΛΩΣ ΕΞΩ
Ο άλλος λόγος που κάνει πάταγο τις τελευταίες ώρες ανά το διαδίκτυο δεν είναι άλλος από την κοινοπραξία με την SONY για το PlayStation Neo. Τρανό παράδειγμα το απόσπασμα από άρθρο σχετικά :
"..............The new 14nm FinFET APU consists out of eight x86 ‘Zen Lite’ LP cores at 2.1 GHz (they’re not Jaguar cores, as previously rumored) and a Polaris GPU, operating on 15-20% faster clock than the original PS4.
According to sources in the know, the Polaris for PlayStation Neo is clocked at 911 MHz, up from 800 MHz on the PS4. The number of units should increase from the current 1152. Apparently, we might see a number higher than 1500, and lower than 2560 cores which are physically packed inside the Polaris 10 GPU i.e. Radeon R9 400 Series. Still, the number of units is larger than Polaris 11 (Radeon R7 400 Series), and the memory controller is 256-bit wide, with GDDR5 memory running higher than the current 1.38 GHz QDR. Given the recent developments with 20nm GDDR5 modules, we should see a 1.75 GHz QDR, 7 Gbps clock – resulting in 224 GB/s, almost a 20% boost.
Internally known as PlayStation Neo, the console should make its debut at the Tokyo Game Show, with availability coming as soon as Holiday Season 2016 – in time for the PlayStation VR headset..............."