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Από wikipedia :
CPU : Semi-custom 8-core AMD x86-64 Jaguar 1.6 GHz CPU (integrated into APU).Secondary low power processor (for background tasks).
Aπό άλλο site :
"A "semi-custom" AMD accelerated processing unit (APU) lies at the heart of the PlayStation 4. It's made up of eight CPU cores based on the company's upcoming "Jaguar" architecture. Those Jaguar cores are joined by a next-generation Radeon GPU featuring 18 compute units capable of pumping out 1.84 teraflops of performance power."
"First, there's the matter of the CPU cores. Without getting into technicalities, AMD's Jaguar architecture is the impending successor to the "Bobcat" architecture found in the company's current low-power APUs, and it is not especially beefy. While the idea of an octa-core console sounds dreamy on the surface, the illusion is shattered when you realize that on the PC side of things, Jaguar APUs will be modest processors targeted at tablets, high-end netbooks (ha!), and entry-level laptops.
In other words, the PlayStation 4's CPU performance isn't likely to rock your socks compared to a PC sporting an AMD Piledriver- or Bulldozer-based processor. It does not even trump a lowly Intel Core i3 processor.
Then there's the GPU. The specs don't line up with any of AMD's Radeon HD 7000-series graphics cards, and we can't be sure just how custom the semi-custom GPU actually is. Nonetheless, 1.84 teraflops of performance puts the GPU just ahead of the Radeon HD 7850 and well under the Radeon 7870. That also holds true if you assume the PlayStation 4 GPU's 18 compute units sport a build similar to the GCN architecture used to build AMD's Radeon HD 7000-series graphics cards.
The Radeon HD 7850 is nothing to sneeze at. Indeed, if you're looking for a midrange video card, it's a stellar option. But it's still just a midrange card, not a graphical trail blazer—and yet it will form the backbone of the PlayStation 4's gaming chops for years to come.
Overall, if you compare its hardware to what's available in today's PC landscape, the PlayStation 4 is basically powered by a low-end CPU and a midrange GPU. It even packs a mechanical hard drive in an age when many PC gamers have moved on to lightning-quick solid-state drives.
Επειδή η όλη αρχιτεκτονική δεν διαθετει ούτε drivers ούτε τίποτα σχετικό, ο κώδικας μιλάει απευθείας στον Jaguar. Αν και αδύναμος συγκριτικά αλλους χ86 επεξεργαστές, το παραπανω γεγονός του δίνει (του PS4) δυνατότητες που ακόμα δεν έχουμε δει. Φανταστείτε οτι η κονσόλα πρόκειται να μείνει στην αγορά τουλάχιστον 5 χρόνια "κοντράροντας" όχι μόνο το Xbox One, αλλά και ότι PC βρίσκει μπροστά του. Ένας SSD του λείπει. Το γεγονός δε, ότι πρόκειται για χ86 λύνει στην κυριολεξία τα χέρια στους προγραμματιστές για ports με το τσουβάλι.
Ο Patrick Moorhead, πρόην VP of Strategy στην AMD είχε πει :
"Hardware-only, the PS4’s 2TFLOP capabilities put them on the same bar as AMD’s 7870 when you factor in GPU and CPU.This is only one view, though—the other being software.
Sony’s development kit and games operate closer to the actual metal of the hardware, meaning they can get it to do more for games than a traditional PC.
Εάν, με κάποιο τρόπο υπήρχε κάποια ανάλογη υλοποίηση με το HW ενός PC, τότε με ένα φορητό 2ετίας οι κονσόλες θα είχανε απλά πεθάνει.
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