_hdh_ h nv exei physics stis kartes ths (opws kai h ati).
an exeis sli 'h crossfire, mporeis na setareis th 1 apo tis 2 kartes na leitourgoun ws ppu (anti gia gpu).
einai logiko auto, mias kai oi kartes gfx einai sthn ousia vector stream processors.
to api pou ulopoieitai kai apo thn nv kai apo thn ati einai to pio eurews diademeno (to havoc).
kai edw pou ta leme, polla apo auta 8a metafer8oun stis cpus otan autes e3elix8oun arketa (pio polloi purhnes, ubridikh arxitektonikh -- gi' auto kai exw pei oti to ps3 einai mprosta. plhsiazei auto to modelo).
outws 'h allws auto pou xreiazetai mia monterna gaming platforma einai:
- oso to dunaton perissoteres scalar stream processor units (oi antistoixes vector einai pio akribes). (arketa) teleutaia, oi cpus den einai mono gia processing scalar mege8wn, alla kai gia vector (mmx/sse/3dnow!)
- oso to dunaton perissoteres vector stream processor units (TO PIO ANAGKAIO). ta grafika einai ws epi to pleiston parallhlopoihsimoi algori8moi, opote autes oi units einai o,ti prepei. to rolo auto ton exoun oi gpus twra. h fysikh anhkei se authn thn kathgoria, opote einai logiko authn th stigmh na ulopoieitai ekei (kai h ai ekei 8a paei me tous ubridikous epe3ergastes, mias kai de 8a exeis toso megala bus bottlenecks).
- dunath monada/monades dsp. paizei to rolo ths kartas hxou (pisteuw mellontika mporei na xrhsimopoih8ei kai gia video. oi kartes hxou kai oi kartes video (prosoxh! oxi oi kartes grafikwn, alla oi kartes video) einai sthn ousia dsps). kai h karta diktuou ekei paei.
- basiko i/o (gia controllers ktl)
- arketh mnhmh (eite system ram eite video ram eite kati allo). mnhmh exei to susthma (system ram) kai h ka8e unit apo tis parapanw pou periegraya. einai apo ta pio shmantika pragmata, (giati se sundiasmo me tis antistoixes units) ola ginontai gia swsto branch prediction kai liga cache misses. an de ginoun auta swsta, tote to polu na trexei to susthma sas me thn taxuthta enos 386@40MHz
ara, fantasteite oti exete mia ubridikh cpu me 64 purhnes. tote mporei na tous xrhsimopoihsete ws e3hs (auto pou grafw einai polu aplh proseggish kai de lambanei up'oyin paragontes opws cpu affinity):
- 32 cores gia vector processing (animation, grafika, fusikh, ai)
- 8 cores gia scalar processing (sthn ousia boh8eia tou vector processing/dsp. epishs i/o me sklhro disko/usb as poume kai suntonismos ths rohs tou programmatos (event handling))
- 22 cores gia dsp (diktuo, hxos, video)
- 2 gia i/o (input controllers)
e3artatai apo ton programmatisth. epishs, analoga me to fortio, auto to configuration mporei na allazei run-time. ara, einai polu pio flexible sto na prosarmozetai sthn ekastote efarmogh.
se liga xronia pisteuw na ta doume kai idiois omasoi...
poutsoklis -- debian gnu/linux: apt-get into it!