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Windows XP to be discontinued in early 2008

14 Apr 2007 23:15 #30091 by Γιώργος Πάσχος
www.infoworld.com/article/07/04/ ... hip_1.html

Αν αληθεύει, η MS για άλλη μια φορά θα μας μαγέψει με τις mlkιες της, για άλλη μια φορά θα θέλει κρέμασμα, και για άλλη μια φορά θα καταλάβουμε ότι δεν μπορούμε να κάνουμε τίποτα μπροστά της, σκύβοντας ταπεινά το κεφάλι. Ή μάλλον υπάρχει κάτι ακόμα....

Όπως λέει και το link, LINUX. Πριν μια εβδομάδα τα έκανα εγκατάσταση και είναι κλάσσης ανώτερα, απο όλες τις πλευρές, ούτε αντιβιοτικά, ούτε extra χρηματα σε εφαρμογές, αλλά όλα στο πιάτο και δωρεάν. Φυσικά είμαι καραnoobάς και δεν ξέρω ούτε πως κάνουν τα προγράμματα εγκατάσταση μέσω τερματικού, compile και τέτοια, αλλά το καλοκαίρι θα ξεσκιστώ να διαβάζω. Που θα μου πάει θα τα μάθω.

Ά σας το είπα; F**k u Κύριε Πύλες

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15 Apr 2007 12:00 #30098 by Χριστόφορος
Και τα mac δεν μπορείς να πεις ότι ελιναι χειρότερα από τα windows...Κρίμα που το leopard έρχεται μάλλον Οκτώβρη για το ευρύ κοινό...

PSN: personGR

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15 Apr 2007 12:42 #30100 by Δημήτρης Σκιάννης
Ε οκ,η μετάβαση στα Vista θα είναι σχετικά εύκολη...Ήδη δύσκολα βρίσκεις έτοιμο μηχάνημα με XP ενσωματωμένα...Σε ενα χρόνο θα είναι αρκετά σταθερά τα Vista πιστεύω,ειδικά με το πρώτο Service Pack...

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15 Apr 2007 12:52 #30101 by Γιώργος Πάσχος
E ναι αλλά εγώ ακόμα δεν τα θέλω πως να το κάνουμε..

Specifications: P4 2.4, 512MB στα 400ΜΗz, ati radeon 9250........

Αν και έτρεξα τα vista σε αυτόν τον η/υ για κανα μήνα δεν μου άρεσε τίποτα άλλο εκτός απο τα visual effects του.

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15 Apr 2007 14:24 #30111 by Μπάμπης Κάιδος
Ε, εντάξει, φυσιολογικό ειναι από τη στιγμή που μια εταιρία βγάζει νέο προϊόν να σταματα σιγά σιγά να υποστιρίζει το προηγούμενο. Το σιγά σιγά βέβαια είναι σχετικό, και ένας χρόνος+ ισώς να είναι η τιμή του στον τομέα της τεχνολογίας.

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21 Apr 2007 19:38 #30427 by Γιώργος Πάσχος
WITH TWO OVERLAPPING events, Microsoft admitted what we have been saying all along, Vista, aka Windows MeII, is a joke that no one wants. It did two unprecedented things this week that frankly stunned us.

Dell announced that it would be offering XP again on home PCs. The second that Vista came out, Microsoft makes it very hard for you to sell anything other than MeII. It can't do this on the business side because it would be laughed out the door, but for the walking sheep class, well, you take what you are shovelled.

This is classic abusive monopoly behavior, Microsoft wrote the modern book on it. It pulled all the major OEMs in by twisting their arms with the usual methods, and they again all fell into line. Never before has anyone backpedalled on this, to do so would earn you the wrath of Microsoft.

But Dell just did. This means that MeII sales are at least as bad as we think, the software and driver situation is just as miserable, and Dell had no choice but to buck the trend. If anyone thinks this is an act of atonement for foisting such a steaming pile on us, think again, it doesn't care about the consumer.

What happened is the OEMs revolted in the background and forced Microsoft's hand. This is a big neon sign above MeII saying 'FAILURE'. Blink blink blink. OK, MeII won't fail, they have OEMs whipped and threatened into a corner, it will sell, but you can almost hear the defectors marching toward Linux. This is a watershed.

The other equally monumental MeII failure? Gates in China launching a $3 version of bundled MeII. Why is this not altruism? Well, it goes back to piracy and how it helped enforce the MS monopoly. If you can easily pirate Windows, Linux has no price advantage, they both cost zero.

With MeII, Microsoft made it very hard to pirate. It is do-able, you can use the BIOS hack and probably a host of others, but the point is, it raised the bar enough so lots of people have to buy it. Want to bet that in a country with $100 average monthly salary, people aren't going to shell out $299 for MeII Broken Edition?

What did MS do? It dropped the price about 100x or so. I can't say this is unprecedented, when it made Office 2003 hard to pirate it had to backpedal with the student edition for about $150. This time though, things are much more desperate.

If you fit Microsoft's somewhat convoluted definition of poor, it still wants to lock you in, you might get rich enough to afford the full-priced stuff someday. It is at a dangerous crossroads, if its software bumps up the price of a computer by 100 per cent, people might look to alternatives.

That means no MeII DRM infection lock in, no mass migration to the newer Office obfuscated and patented file formats, and worse yet, people might utter the W word. Yes, you guessed it, 'why'. People might ask why they are sticking with the MS lock in, and at that point, it is in deep trouble.

So, it did the unthinkable, and dropped the price. I won't bother to hunt down all the exec quotes saying how people can't afford clean water would be overjoyed to sell kidneys to upgrade to the new version of Office, but they are out there. This was a sacred cow, and it is now hamburger backed up against the wall.

These two actions by Microsoft are proof of what I suggested three years ago. Microsoft has lost its ability to twist arms, and now it is going to die. It can't compete on level ground, so is left with backpedalling and discounts of almost 100 times.

What we are seeing is an unprecedented shift of power. It is also an unprecedented admission of failure. And the funniest part about the moves made? They are the wrong things to do. Microsoft is in deep trouble.

Αρθρο απο theinquiner.net


Kαι μετά μου λέτε για τα VISTA.

ΑΝΤΕ ΓΕΙΑ!!!!!!!!!!![/b]

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22 Apr 2007 00:31 #30436 by a Guest
Replied by a Guest on topic Windows XP to be discontinued in early 2008
Στο τετοιο μας,σιγα μην κατσουμε να ασχοληθουμε κ πολυ.Αντε γεια κ απο μενα

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24 Apr 2007 14:56 #30556 by Πάτροκλος Κόντος
Δε βλεπω καμια διαφορα σιγα σιγα τα Vista θα μπουνε οπως μπηκαν και τα XP.
δε καταλαβαινω γιατι τοσος πολεμος , ο καθενας κανει οτι γουσταρει στο PC του

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24 Apr 2007 15:07 #30557 by Γιώργος Πάσχος
OK συμφωνώ με αυτό που λες αλλά εμείς μιλάμε για τις δικές μας απόψεις. Και η άποψη μου είναι ότι δεν αξίζει να δώσεις 3-4 κατοστάρικα (δεν θυμάμαι καλά) για ένα λειτουργικό που η ίδια η εταιρία κάνει τέτοιες ανακοινώσεις. Ούτε crackάρισμα δεν αξίζουν τα vista αυτή τη χρονική στιγμή

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24 Apr 2007 18:55 #30561 by Πάτροκλος Κόντος
φυσικα και δεν αξιζει, ετσι κι αλλιως οι περισσοτεροι τα παιρνουν τσαμπα μενεο pc

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