Οι προσφορές ισχύουν μέχρι το μεσημέρι της Τρίτης 4/10/2011
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes™
Προνομιακή τιμή για Gold Μέλη 800
από 1200
Dungeons & Dragons Daggerdale
Προνομιακή τιμή για Gold Μέλη 800
από 1200
Extreme Shopping Sale on Xbox LIVE
Eπιπλεον του Deal of the week, μεχρι τις 4 Οκτωβρίου ισχυουν και οι παρακατω προσφορες:
Arcade Games
• Bionic Commando: Rearmed - 800 MSP -> 400 MSP
• Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2 - 1200 MSP -> 600 MSP
• Blade Kitten - 800 MSP -> 400 MSP
• Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime - 800 MSP -> 400 MSP
• Islands of Wakfu - 800 MSP -> 400 MSP
• The Maw - 800 MSP -> 400 MSP
• Monday Night Combat - 1200 MSP -> 600 MSP
• Moon Diver - 1200 MSP -> 600 MSP
• Outland - 800 MSP -> 400 MSP
• Section 8: Prejudice - 1200 MSP -> 800 MSP
• Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - 1200 MSP -> 400 MSP
• Shank - 1200 MSP -> 600 MSP
• Star Raiders - 800 MSP -> 400 MSP
• Trials HD - 1200 MSP -> 600 MSP
• Trouble Witches Neo - 800 MSP -> 400 MSP
• Yar's Revenge - 800 MSP -> 400 MSP (this is showing as 600 MSP on the Xbox Dashboard).
Game Add-ons
Assassin's Creed II
• "Sequence 12: Battle of Forli" - 320 MSP -> 160 MSP
• "Sequence 13 : Bonfire of the Vanities & Secret Locations" - 560 MSP -> 280 MSP
Dragon Age: Origins
• "Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening" - 2400 MSP -> 1200 MSP
Section 8: Prejudice
• "Blitz Pack" - 240 MSP -> 120 MSP
• "Section 8®: Prejudice™ Overdrive Map Pack" - 320 MSP -> 160 MSP
• "Section 8®: Prejudice™ Frontier Colonies Map Pack" - 320 MSP -> 160 MSP
Halo: Reach
• "Halo Reach Noble Team Theme" - 240 MSP -> 120 MSP
Avatar Items
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
• "The Noble Outfit (Female)" - 400 MSP -> 200 MSP
• "The Noble Outfit (Male)" - 400 MSP -> 200 MSP
Cool Jobs Collection
• "Scuba Diver (Female)" - 400 MSP -> 200 MSP
• "Scuba Diver (Male)" - 400 MSP -> 200 MSP
• "Alien Blob" - 240 MSP -> 120 MSP