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World of Warcraft on PSP and not a fake?
Megaupload download
- Install PSPdisp v0.3 setup on PC and PSP.
- Copy the CONTROL file "wow" to "C: \ Program Files \ PSPdisp \ bin \ app".
- Configure Start PSPdisp and it.
- Damper Control PSPdisp on World of Warcraft emulation.
- World of Warcraft in adjusting the video settings to windowed mode.
! Remember - only run games in windowed mode! Full CAN cause graphic errors!
up arrow: forward run
arrow down: backward run
left arrow: Link step
arrow to right: Step right
left shoulder button: turn left
right shoulder button: turn right
Digitalpad: Mouse
Select: Right mouse
Start: Tab (target / switch target)
/ \: 1 (attack button)
[]: 2 (attack button)
X: 3 (attack button)
(): 4 (attack button)