ThunderCats is an American animated television series developed by Rankin/Bass in 1983 based on the characters created by Tobin Wolf. The animation was provided by Topcraft, a Japanese group who would later go on to form Studio Ghibli
Executive Producers Arthur Rankin, Jr & Jules Bass
Supervising Producer Lee Dannacher
Animation by Pacific Animation Corporation
In Charge of Produciton Masaki Iizuka
Animation Staff Tsugu Kubo, Minoru Nishida, Katsuhito Akiyama, Akihiko Takahashi, Yukimatsu Ito, Yuji Yatabe, Kazufumi Nomura, Ryo Yasumura, Tameo Kohanawa, Seok Ki Kim,
Based on Characters Created by Ted Wolf [tribute]
Project Development Leisure Concepts, Inc
Head Writer Leonard Starr
Music Bernard Hoffer
Script Consultant Peter Lawrence
Psychological Consultant Robert Kuisis, Ph.D.
By Elizabeth Kieszkowski
Advertiser Assistant Features Editor
Muscular humanoids with feline faces, the superheroic ThunderCats captured kids attention in the 1980s and now theyre doing it again.
The cartoon characters, invented by the late Honolulan Tobin Wolf, have been TV-syndication staples for nearly two decades. Theyre shown sporadically on the Cartoon Network and have experienced another revival as a result of 80s nostalgia.
Whats the attraction? Honolulu attorney Janice Wolf, daughter of the ThunderCats creator, gives some of the credit to the personas developed by her father before he "pitched" the team to its animators.
"We sat around the table creating the characters," Janice Wolf remembers, thinking back to the 1980s. "It was a morality play, with superheroes. ... Basically, the characters have survived pretty much as they were intended."
In 1981, Tobin Wolf sketched a cast of muscular, superpowered characters who combined both "superhuman" and "superanimal" powers.
... ife14.html
memorial site στον Τεντ Γουλφ δημιουργό των γάτων της θαντέρα
cast again - άλλη σελιδα
Τέλος το έγκυρο
Directed by
Katsuhito Akiyama
Writing credits (in alphabetical order)
J. Larry Carroll
Sandy Fries
Annabelle Gurwitch
Peter Lawrence
William Overgard
Lee Schneider
Bruce W. Smith
Leonard Starr
head writer
Chris Trengrove
Heather M. Winters
Ted Wolf
’ρα η συγκεκριμένη σειρά είναι αναμφισβήτητο τεκνό του Ted Wolf ο οποίος προφανώς επηρεασμένος από την Ιαπωνική σχολή δημιούργησε τους Thundercats. Eπειδή οι Ιάπωνες είχαν μεγαλύτερη εμπειρία χρησιμοποιήθηκαν σε βασικές θέσεις όπως αυτή του σκηνοθέτη και του animation.